The Truth About America’s #1 Barefoot Shoe Brand
Building a barefoot shoe brand? Are we barking mad? Hidden camera footage. Go behind the scenes at Xero Shoes. WATCH HERE
Building a barefoot shoe brand? Are we barking mad? Hidden camera footage. Go behind the scenes at Xero Shoes. WATCH HERE
Not quite as eco-friendly but still awesome road shoes: Speed Force BUY HERE Prio BUY HERE Forza Runner BUY HERE HFS BUY HERE
I don’t need to tell you that 2020 has been unbelievably challenging and stressful. And while I’m a big fan of facing reality head-on, every now and then it’s nice to take a mental break and imagine things being better than they are. Sometimes MUCH, MUCH better. So, to give your brain some things to […]
Halloween is a favorite day here at the Xero Shoes office. But, then again, we also dress up for “Onesie Wednesday” and “Non-casual Friday” (which is more open-ended than Formal Friday). Of course, some people go above and beyond and dress AS XERO SHOES! Whether you trick-or-treated or just gave out candy, if you did […]
If you haven’t already figured it out… We TOTALLY missed the connection between our lightweight, cold weather-friendly Denver boot and, well, a “Denver Boot” — the thing they stick on your wheel when you’re a parking scofflaw! The “actual” Denver Boot immobilizes you, while OUR Denver boot let’s you move light and free thanks to […]
We’ve seen Steven run from bears, lions, racecars, and more…but Usain Bolt? We’ve put this pic on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and here, on the blog, where you can comment below. Head to one (or all) of those places and give us your best caption about Steven and the greatest sprinter of all time. One winner will […]
Trying to get a good workout, but don’t have enough time? Xero Shoes CFO and co-founder, Lena Phoenix, has a new workout program that I know you’ll love. Do you have a similar fitness plan? If so, we’d love to see it!
All the cool kids are doing it… why don’t you try it? Okay, I cheated… I’m using a magnetic levitation display. But we still hope all the cool kids take Xero Shoes for a spin
Are you ready for the Zombie Apocalypse!? Get your Xero Shoes and be prepared (you might need more than one pair!) 😉 Like the video? Share it!
If you wear shoes, you need to see this important public service announcement…
If you've changed your mind within 45 days of purchase, simply return your items for a full refund (including shipping, if applicable) or exchange them for a different size.
This special offer only applies to domestic orders made between January 26, 2022 and February 09, 2022.
Although we'll accept worn shoes, we'd kindly ask you to return them in new condition if possible!