Big shoe companies will try to tell you that all that padding and “motion control” technology is helping to protect you from impact.
A new study from Oregon State University found the opposite. You can read all about it in this New York Times article: “Super-Cushioned Running Shoes are All the Rage, But Aren’t Foolproof.”
If you hit the article-limit paywall, here are the big takeaways on why cushioned shoes are bad for your joints:
- Runners in “maximalist” cushioned running shoes hit the ground harder, and pronate more (roll their ankles inward), than runners in neutral shoes
- This tendency gets WORSE the more you run in those shoes
- Super-maximal shoes “tend to be more unstable” than low-to-the-ground barefoot running shoes, even on roads and track

Xero Shoes Make Happier, Healthier Runners
If there’s a common thread among the tens of thousands of Xero Shoes reviews, it’s this: Nobody started wearing Xero Shoes because of any special technology.
They just wanted to move better, and feel better. And guess what: They do!
Skeptic turned believer!
“I love that I can feel the ground beneath me when I walk, and it has really increased my proprioception so I’m not wobbly or tripping. I usually would kick my shoes off and go barefoot as soon as I got home, but now they don’t come off until I go to bed.” – Timothy C
Amazing, life-changing shoes
“I bought them because I stand all day. They are perfect. Changed my life in two days! I will buy them again.” – Donna C.
Amazingly comfortable
“I feel safer walking the trails wearing Xero Shoes – especially navigating rocky areas. I own 5 pairs and love them.” – Linda T
Great shoes. They really do make my feet feel good. Thanks! – Shane T
New to running in Xero Shoes? Start here.
You’ll have a better experience “transitioning” from maximalist or cushioned shoes to in Xero Shoes if you have:
- A good idea of what to expect
- A plan to follow
Get both in this article from Xero Shoes CEO Steven Sashen, How to Transition to Barefoot Shoes.