Fifteen years ago, Christopher McDougall’s iconic book Born to Run changed our ideas of running technique, and running footwear, forever.
But McDougall and Eric Orton, his running coach and recent co-author of Born to Run 2: The Ultimate Training Guide, haven’t ever officially partnered with a running shoe company.
On April 13th, Xero Shoes will release Born to Run shoes for both trails and roads. Both models will feature:
- Thin, tough soles that hit the sweet spot of flexibility and rock protection
- Wider toe boxes and zero heel elevation for natural movement
- Lightweight designs with breathable, soft uppers
Christopher and Eric have been putting these shoes to the test for months, and they’re thrilled with their fit, feel, and overall functionality.
“These have everything you need and nothing you don’t. This is the way!” McDougall raves.
“If this is Christopher’s dream shoe, and it’s my shoe, this is YOUR dream shoe,” Orton says.
We’ll provide additional details, images, and exclusive deals prior to launch. Stay tuned and spread the word in your running community!
Why did Christopher & Eric Partner with Xero Shoes?

Christopher McDougall: “After Born to Run came out, I was approached by a ton of shoe companies who all wanted to partner with some kind of collaboration.
I uniformly said no, for two reasons. Number one: I never saw anything I really liked. And number two, I could never be sure they would continue creating the kind of shoe that I believed in.
And then I put these Xero Shoes on my feet, and I basically didn’t take them off for the next two months. That’s why I’m so happy now to partner up with Xero Shoes, and I have 100% confidence in recommending them to anybody.
If these shoes are on your shelf, you’re going to be happy to pick them up.”
Eric Orton: “This relationship all starts with the Xero Shoes’ overriding philosophy and focus on natural running and movement. We are in lock-step with this ethos, and it’s very exciting to be partnering with a company that is driven by their mission.
Add this to the company’s eclectic staff of shoe industry experts, and you have a powerful combination of business principles and high-end performance shoes. I’m really excited about what Xero Shoes are doing.”

Why did Xero Shoes Partner with Chris and Eric?

Steven Sashen: “The original Born to Run was a huge inspiration for me when my wife Lena and I started Xero Shoes. And Christopher and Eric have continued to deliver their hard-earned wisdom for foot-friendly training and living ever since.
They create happier, healthier runners, not just faster ones. Collaborating with them on a shoe was a personal dream of mine, but also a natural choice for the Xero Shoes brand.
The Xero Shoes Born to Run shoes will satisfy the exacting expectations of minimalist diehards. But like all Xero Shoes, they’re also designed to be the most comfortable shoes you own, period.
Take them out on your favorite road or trail, and experience the joy of running further, faster with ease – the way you were Born to Run.”
Mark April 13th on your calendar, and get ready to feel the difference everywhere you run when you…
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